Todays monkey outfit

Mr. Trouble
Todays monkey outfit
This gorgeous fluffy sweather did James get from Grandma Lyn and Granpa Rob

Yes, different sock today again, they disaper and we are poor so... But it is a bit charming?

Yes, different sock today again, they disaper and we are poor so... But it is a bit charming?
Todays monkey outfit
Different socks is cool? Right? Well we thinks so anyway :D

James now knows how to do Peek a Boo with his hands, before he used to hide behind something, like a curtain or under a blanket.

James now knows how to do Peek a Boo with his hands, before he used to hide behind something, like a curtain or under a blanket.
Todays monkey outfit
Gorgeous in trousers from Marcs and Spencers :)

Todays monkey outfit
Cool in jeans and red socks. Yes we are singing! If you are happy and you know it clap your hands lalalalalala!

Todays monkey outfit
Cool in jeans!

Todays monkey outfit
The little monster :D

Todays monkey outfit
Nice and confy for a calm day at home

Todays monkey outfit
Cute and confy in a cowboy tshirt

Todays monkey outfit
James is so cute in this outfit from Marcs and Spencers, he got it from Grandma Lyn and Grandpa Rob.
Todays monkey outfit
Confy today again! The Chimpans have to wear a scarf today beacuse hes getting two new theeth= much drools!