Lewis, Lyn! Can you please call us?

Paul wants to talk to you! Nothing bad, but important! Please call him on 0046761671639!
Thank you!

Its fucking stupid if you ask me...

We had a couple of busy days lately. Feels like Ive been running around like a crazy chicken! We went to Habiliteringen for a meeting on tuesday. It was very stressful, as usual they didnt know that Paul was an english speaking person and there was no translator. We managed to inform them about our situation and they are going to talk about what kind of help we will get. Something that I find very strange is that they dont offer people long term theraphy?! Ok? So how the fuck are you going to get well then? If you are so sick so that you cant work and afford private help? I dont understand anything, but I guess we have to wait and see what they decide to do and then ask for more help if they dont give us what we need. Should you really have to fight this hard to get the help that you need to get well? I think its horrible... It scares me... What if you are all alone? Without any person that loves you and supports you?

Silly man!

Paul is soooo wonderful, he always makes me smile by doing silly things. OOOO I love you so much my crazy man!

Ye I think he ate the fry after he put it in his nose, and no its not a cat he has in his face.... Its his beard <3

Pauls school

We went to Pauls future school and met a woman called Katarina. She was very nice and understanding. Most of the people in this school comes from countries with war and are tramatised. They cant learn Swedish as fast as others because of that. Paul is the opposite to that, but he do need to be in a small group and just have one teacher, so as long as they give him extra work it will be fine. We will find out on Wednesday when he can start.

Negative thoughts

Paul was very down this morning and didnt want to get up. Hes been sick for four days and just been sitting in the sofa playing football games. Ofcourse that make you a bit depressed! Hes better now though, so tomorrow we will go out for a walk etc. He did get up, he also made me brekfast ( I am sick ) and did all the dishes. I am so impressed because I know exactly how he feels when hes like this. It feels like your body is to heavy to move, you dont have any energy at all for anything and so on. I cant do much when I feel like that, but he can, he knows how to change his negative thoughts to positive ones so that he can handle doing some things.

Thats all it is, negative thoughts, dont let them rule your life!

Letter from Habiliteringen

We got a letter from Habiliteringen today, they are going to give Paul the help and training that he needs to get on his feet again. They will also provide some help for me. Within 3 month this will start. It feels nice that we come this far finally. For you people that doesnt know, Paul has Asperger syndrome.

You can read about Habiliteringen on there website below.


Whats Asperger syndrome? Read about it on the website below.

In Swedish http://www.autism.se/content1.asp?nodeid=19408
In English http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/brain/asperger.html

Paul is our favourite!

As most of you know Paul isnt well and hes fighting everyday to get better. He is so amazing and I am so happy that we met in that pub in England. We have been through hell together and now finally we have answers to our questions and we know what we need to do to get better. I get tears in my eyes when I think about last year. It was such a rough year, but also a year that I always will be grateful for in a way. All the bad stuff brought us closer together. We are the best team in the world and our strength and love amazes me. It feels like last year broke us down totally, but we have found all the pieces that we need to become whole again. What we need to do now is to put all the pieces togheter again, slow and carefully everyday.

Thank you to all of you that supports us! You are all so important to us <3

To Paul- We love you! Your monkeys xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

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