The best kid ever!

Had a nice lie in this morning, James woke me up at 5.30 so I went up and made him some drink and gave him some raisins to snack on and turned on the telly. After that I went back to bed, lovely. James is such a great kid, he doesnt mind watching telly alone in the morning and only comes in to the bedroom to cuddle and kiss us and then he returns to the livingroom again. If he done a morning poo he hit me in the head with a new daiper and if he wants more drink he hits me in the head with his cup :D Hes so clever. Cant wait until he can speak though, then he doesnt have to hit me xD
When I came back from dropping him of at day care I went straight to bed again. I really need to sleep and its so nice to sleep when James isnt at home because then its no one that can disturb you. Have been having bad dreams lately, Paul always leaves me and things are wierd, sad and creepy, you dont feel so good after dreams like that. Lucky I have Paul next to me to hug!

Tonight I will publish my LCHF week meny for all of you thats been asking about it, if you have any questions just comment here on the blogg and I will respond asap!

Have a nice day!

Can I have some food please??


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