Time to shrink

Ok, I am almost ready now with my calorie list and menu, it feels great! Think this will suit me better and after a week or two I dont have to think at all, if I have the same week menu. Perfect. One less thing to think about! I cant wait until the day when I can wear my jeans again, yey! Tomorrow I will start, I will publich how much I shrink every forthnight. Daily walks with my friend Mariana and sit ups and push ups everyday is also a part of my shrinking plan :) GO GO GO!

I am sorry that its not so much fun pics today, but were not doing anything at all, just relaxing and its soooo nice.
Finally we feel like we are getting rid of the cold, Paul has some ear pain but thats it! And thats good becuse we have a busy week a head. We are going to Habiliteringen, Baby nurse for James 15 month check up and much more!

An other beautiful pic that Eva Johansson has taken :)


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