Amazing man, amazing woman, amazing kid
Its been a good day today. Paul have been amazing, hes amazing everyday, but I thought extra about it today. He does the dishes and cleans the floors everyday, today he made us all lunch and spent extra time with James. It might not sound much in your ears but it is big steps in the right direction! He is exhausted most of the time, but still fight so hard and he always does his best, thats why I love him so much and thats why I stay by his side and gives him my support. Guess its easier to fight hard if you have a beautiful son and girlfriend. On monday he will start his Swedish course and we got a call from Habiliteringen yesterday, they just wanted us to know that they where working on our case and they will send a letter to us when they decided what to do. It was nice to get that call, maybe we can trust these people?? Cant believe that 6 monts ago Paul couldnt leave the appartment because he had such a bad social fobia, we started with 5 min walks, he couldnt walk further because he almost strew up from the panicattacs he got when he went outside. He couldnt do anything because he was so sick, not even cook dinner, it was to stressful. He still havent got even one theraphy hour, we have done all this hard work ourselves. Were the best team in the world!!