Day Care

James loves Day Care! How I know that? When I pick him out of the car and he sees the building he smiles like crazy and points at it :) When we reach the door and he rings the bell he smiles and when he sees his "teacher" Jeanette he smiles more and more and more! I am so happy that he enjoys it so much, without Day Care I wouldnt function, I wouldnt get any breaks at all juring the whole day (when Paul is to ill to help) or night. Not even be able to poo alone!! Now I can do dishes, sleep, shower, do all my phone calls etc in peace. It means a lot!
I dont understand why people doesnt put there children in Day Care as soon as possible (if the child is ready for it ofcourse), even if you doesnt work. You do need a break from each other, have some peace and quiet or just do nothing, it turns you in to a better, calmer and more relaxed mum. And no, I dont mean that you should get children and then put them in Day Care all day for no reason, but 15 hours a week doesnt do any harm. Mums are humans aswell and we need to have some time for ourselves, just like we had before we got a baby. Its very easy to forget who you were before and just be a mum, this will cause problems for the whole family in the end.

Jeanette and James

Walking from Day Care to our car, James wears the cool overall he got from Grandma Lyn and Grandpa Rob :D


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