I am a good girl!
Im still a good girl, I havent eaten anything that Im not aloud! I am very proud of myself! The secret is to go 2 times a month to the food shop and buy everything that you need, then you dont buy sweets and other things you dont need! I already feel better and Im not hungry all the time, dont miss sugar at all right now. Tonight were going to eat English roast dinner. Lovely! Chicken, broccoli and gravy for me. The guys ( Paul and our friend Steve) gets corn and roasted potatoes aswell and beer ofcourse if they want it. The thing that I love the most about LCHF is that you never get over full and bloated after a meal, just not hungry. Its very nice! Next step for me now is to start exercising (have a bad cold right now) so next Monday I will try to do that. I think that I will start with walks 30-60 mins a day and then ad som muscle training the week after that.I have to take it easy because my body and mind is already so exhausted so I dont want to put to much pressure on myself, have enough already!