Letter from Habiliteringen
We got a letter from Habiliteringen today, they are going to give Paul the help and training that he needs to get on his feet again. They will also provide some help for me. Within 3 month this will start. It feels nice that we come this far finally. For you people that doesnt know, Paul has Asperger syndrome.
You can read about Habiliteringen on there website below.
Whats Asperger syndrome? Read about it on the website below.
In Swedish http://www.autism.se/content1.asp?nodeid=19408
In English http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/brain/asperger.html
Whats Asperger syndrome? Read about it on the website below.
In Swedish http://www.autism.se/content1.asp?nodeid=19408
In English http://kidshealth.org/parent/medical/brain/asperger.html