Monday morning
Im sorry that the blogg is a bit borring now, but we are sooo sick at the moment and we doesnt get any sleep, soon it will get better again!! James tries to keep the appartment tidy as always, hes running around with the hoover, sponge and bottle almost all the time :) Me and Paul get lots of food aswell that he cooks on his play stove and then feeds us with, so dont worry :D I just ordered a chicken soup! He is amazing our little chimpans <3
We are going for a meeting today about Pauls school. Hes going to study in a small class (10- 12 students) and today we will find out more an talk about what kind of help he needs to be relaxed and to be able to focus on his swedish. It all sounds pretty hopeful. More about this later!
We are going for a meeting today about Pauls school. Hes going to study in a small class (10- 12 students) and today we will find out more an talk about what kind of help he needs to be relaxed and to be able to focus on his swedish. It all sounds pretty hopeful. More about this later!