Paul is our favourite!
As most of you know Paul isnt well and hes fighting everyday to get better. He is so amazing and I am so happy that we met in that pub in England. We have been through hell together and now finally we have answers to our questions and we know what we need to do to get better. I get tears in my eyes when I think about last year. It was such a rough year, but also a year that I always will be grateful for in a way. All the bad stuff brought us closer together. We are the best team in the world and our strength and love amazes me. It feels like last year broke us down totally, but we have found all the pieces that we need to become whole again. What we need to do now is to put all the pieces togheter again, slow and carefully everyday.
Thank you to all of you that supports us! You are all so important to us <3
To Paul- We love you! Your monkeys xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox