Getting better all the time, better, better, better...

Good morning,

its been a sleepless night again, starting to get stupid now! James is getting better though, thats all that matters. Hes been very ill and the other day I had to ask my kind neighbor to drive me to the hospital so that we could get some medication for him.
The whole family is very tired and the appartment looks like hell ofcourse. But what can you do? Its better to give the small amount off energy that we got to James, the mess wont go anywhere...
I am starting to get seriously bored now, after 5 days in the sofa watching boring cartoons, James on me all the time, not letting me put him down for one second, not so fun anymore. Pauls been trying to hold him, but James been to ill, he just wanted his mum, not even I could give him comfort sometimes. Most of the time we been trying to sit togheter and calm him down, Chickenpocks is horrible!! I havent been out in days and Paul has been to the shops and pharmacys and so on, been cooking all the meals and everything else, hes the best man and dad in the world!

I am so exited about next Monday, when I am going to FlowerDesign to get work experience. I have so many ideas that my head might explode soon!

Heres a video from James birthday last year, enjoy.


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