James and his big puddle
Awesome chicks!









On the way home from day care :D
New blogg!
I feel like I am stuck and its very frustrating. I know Paul feels the same. Were sick again and have been for the last few days, thats why I havent updated in here for a while. We got Impetigo, so we have very attractive faces right now... Throat pain from hell and fever... James is ok though!
I hope that after this we will be ok for a while, would be nice... I hate just sitting at home and do nothing, well I do many things, but you know what I mean. I also hate the lack of energy and having a tired body. So does Paul. Anyway...
Our friends Angelica and John took care of James for a couple of hours yesterday so that we could have some rest. It was very nice, but I couldnt relax at all, I am to stressed I guess. Had a shower in peace anyway, it was nice.
Well thats all I have to say right now... Take care peeps!
I hope that after this we will be ok for a while, would be nice... I hate just sitting at home and do nothing, well I do many things, but you know what I mean. I also hate the lack of energy and having a tired body. So does Paul. Anyway...
Our friends Angelica and John took care of James for a couple of hours yesterday so that we could have some rest. It was very nice, but I couldnt relax at all, I am to stressed I guess. Had a shower in peace anyway, it was nice.
Well thats all I have to say right now... Take care peeps!
This will be a good day...
Going to try to make this day good. With no energy and a very low moode it will be a challenge. I am totally tired out now after a week with a sick James and it showes in my face. I get dry patches everywhere, very attractive... Paul is also low and get angry very easily, hes bored and doesnt know what to do, which enoyes and stresses me and it stresses him aswell. We just need to get back on track I guess... After this sickness I really hope that we can stay healthy so that we can have some fun!!!!!!!
I am working on a project with Eva Johansson at the moment, interesting, I will tell you all about it when I can, right now its a secret ;)
I am working on a project with Eva Johansson at the moment, interesting, I will tell you all about it when I can, right now its a secret ;)
These pics makes me feel better on a bad day.
Why dont you call Eva and have yours taken?

Why dont you call Eva and have yours taken?

James is sick so I havent slept for four nights now and yesterday I got fever myself. Not the most pleasent situation... Feel very down and enoyed, but who wouldnt? Hopefully James will be well soon, before Paul and I am totally dead again.
In our livingroom
Heres some pics from our livingroom. Its not done yet, we need carpets and we need to get things to put on the walls etc. Most things are second hand buys and things from grandmas house. I love old stuff, it almost feels like they have a personality and they feel more "alive " than new things. I know, I am a bit wierd, but you all knew that already!

Love this lamp, found it second hand last year.

Stolen flowers on the diningtable my friend Pernilla lended to us.

Can you see that the leaves on the tiny flowers are heart shaped?

My favourite blanket that I found second hand last year, I love blankets...

Handmade lamp from Grandmas house and old curtains that my Great Grandma made.

A monkey!

Boxes that I found second hand and the plant I got from James on Mothers day

My mums old books, I think they look so beautiful.

A suitcase I found second hand, we have all our DVDs ans CDs in it :)
So this was a little peek, If you want to see more, come over for a coffee!

Love this lamp, found it second hand last year.

Stolen flowers on the diningtable my friend Pernilla lended to us.

Can you see that the leaves on the tiny flowers are heart shaped?

My favourite blanket that I found second hand last year, I love blankets...

Handmade lamp from Grandmas house and old curtains that my Great Grandma made.

A monkey!

Boxes that I found second hand and the plant I got from James on Mothers day

My mums old books, I think they look so beautiful.

A suitcase I found second hand, we have all our DVDs ans CDs in it :)
So this was a little peek, If you want to see more, come over for a coffee!
Midsummer was a crap day. Paul was extremly depressed and didnt get up from bed until late afternoon. I was so worried, its been a very long time since he was that bad and even if I know that he will be better maybe as soon as the next day, its still very hard for me to handle. He was like that everyday only a year ago, how the hell did I manage to stay as saine as I did? Anyway, he got up in time to do the washing and then he had some food and felt a little better after that, he had a bad day, thats all.
James and I spent the whole morning cleaning and prepp for dinner. James best friend and his family was coming to celibrate midsummer with us. It turned out to be a very short celibration though because they came at 6 pm and left 7pm, when James was going to bed. Dont know why? Guess they had something more fun to do?
I was upset in the evening, I was tired, upset about Paul, upset about the crappy midsummer celibration that I spent the whole day prepering for and more tired. I also wondered why no one in my family called or invited us to celibrate midsummer with them, but never mind. Paul and I had dinner and watched Star Trek and ate apple crumble.
I know that you may wonder why I didnt call my family and asked them about their plans? I call them more often then they call me and I always ask them to come for dinner etc, but they never come, so why should I bother? They might be to busy, or maybe they just dont like us? I have no clue.
Poor Grandma is in hospital again, if she wasnt we would go to her ofcourse, she needs to be spoiled with nice dinner and nice company, hopefully she will be well soon!
So well a crappy midsummer ended nicely anyway, watching Star Trek, cuddle with a handsome man and eat apple crumble isnt that bad :P
James and I spent the whole morning cleaning and prepp for dinner. James best friend and his family was coming to celibrate midsummer with us. It turned out to be a very short celibration though because they came at 6 pm and left 7pm, when James was going to bed. Dont know why? Guess they had something more fun to do?
I was upset in the evening, I was tired, upset about Paul, upset about the crappy midsummer celibration that I spent the whole day prepering for and more tired. I also wondered why no one in my family called or invited us to celibrate midsummer with them, but never mind. Paul and I had dinner and watched Star Trek and ate apple crumble.
I know that you may wonder why I didnt call my family and asked them about their plans? I call them more often then they call me and I always ask them to come for dinner etc, but they never come, so why should I bother? They might be to busy, or maybe they just dont like us? I have no clue.
Poor Grandma is in hospital again, if she wasnt we would go to her ofcourse, she needs to be spoiled with nice dinner and nice company, hopefully she will be well soon!
So well a crappy midsummer ended nicely anyway, watching Star Trek, cuddle with a handsome man and eat apple crumble isnt that bad :P
Baaaa, oink, oink!
We have been inside all day today because James got fever. We been having much fun though! Watched cartoons, we slept some, played some football, done puzzles, had a nice bath and James read in his favourite book, a book about farm animals that he got from Marie ( my extra mum and very dear friend). He loves that book so much and you can see that the book has been read many, many times. He knows almost all the animal sounds now, except from pig and roaster. So its been a great day with many smiles and much laughter!

Video- puzzle time!
Playing in the sand

Coffee, scones and millions of ideas
I went to my friend Eva yesterday for coffee and a chat. She made lovely scones and served them with strawberries, home made jam, philadelphia... It was fucking lovely if you ask me! We had a very interesting chat about future plans, Eva is crazy with a millions of ideas just like me, amazing. Well more about that later on!
On my way home I picked up James and went home for a short rest and a cup of tea before we went out to play on the playground. We have the best time when all tree of us is out together, cant belive that last year at this time Paul was so sick that he couldnt go out. I often wonder how I managed to take good care of James and rehabilitate Paul at the same time. It was hard work without any rest. I had to do everything on my own, food shopping, baby doctors, cleaning, washing, phone calls, everything. Thats ok you may think, yes it is, but not when you have to take care of a baby and an extremly sick man aswell. What a nightmare... But I would do it again. Paul is the most wonderful boyfriend and dad, worth fighting for/with.
I feel so happy right now and its wonderful, but my body is extremly tired and I have to be careful and rest, which is hard sometimes, but I am doing my best!
Today we need to prepare for midsummer, James best friend Leon and his parents is going to come here for dinner. Will be great!
On my way home I picked up James and went home for a short rest and a cup of tea before we went out to play on the playground. We have the best time when all tree of us is out together, cant belive that last year at this time Paul was so sick that he couldnt go out. I often wonder how I managed to take good care of James and rehabilitate Paul at the same time. It was hard work without any rest. I had to do everything on my own, food shopping, baby doctors, cleaning, washing, phone calls, everything. Thats ok you may think, yes it is, but not when you have to take care of a baby and an extremly sick man aswell. What a nightmare... But I would do it again. Paul is the most wonderful boyfriend and dad, worth fighting for/with.
I feel so happy right now and its wonderful, but my body is extremly tired and I have to be careful and rest, which is hard sometimes, but I am doing my best!
Today we need to prepare for midsummer, James best friend Leon and his parents is going to come here for dinner. Will be great!
Movie from yesterday
Heres a movie from yesterday when we where feeding ducks :) I promise that future movies will be filmed so that you dont have to move the screen to watch it properly!
Greedy birds and kissing
One more great day! Its so wonderful when you dont feel dead tired anymore. We still need to be careful and rest, but we manage to do much more things now than just a week ago, thanks to day care.
Yesterday was a very romantic and fun day, I had lie in, a nice relaxing bath ( very short though, cant handle being so varm and get a panic feeling after a while), we had muffins for breakfast, Paul said funny things that made us both laugh soo much, we went food shopping, we went to a beautiful lake cowered in water lilies and fed all the greedy birds, we walked all the way home from day care and James carried a fern umbrella almost the whole way home, we sang songs, James did his puzzle at least 15 times, James and I cuddled in the sofa and watched some cartoons, I talked with an old friend thats going to have a baby soon, James fell asleep at 7, Paul and I had romantic candle light dinner, we watched 3 episodes of Star Trek and kissed the whole evening.

Yesterday was a very romantic and fun day, I had lie in, a nice relaxing bath ( very short though, cant handle being so varm and get a panic feeling after a while), we had muffins for breakfast, Paul said funny things that made us both laugh soo much, we went food shopping, we went to a beautiful lake cowered in water lilies and fed all the greedy birds, we walked all the way home from day care and James carried a fern umbrella almost the whole way home, we sang songs, James did his puzzle at least 15 times, James and I cuddled in the sofa and watched some cartoons, I talked with an old friend thats going to have a baby soon, James fell asleep at 7, Paul and I had romantic candle light dinner, we watched 3 episodes of Star Trek and kissed the whole evening.